I see myself as a collaborator helping you to explore uncharted parts of yourself and discover the vastness of who you are. I work with individuals in transition, individuals who feel stuck and want support moving forward, and anyone looking to bring more vibrancy and meaning into his/her life.
Many of us reach a point in our lives where what we’re doing no longer feels alive. There is a sense that life is shifting — how, we don’t know. Though we may not be aware of it, we’re entering a transition — a time when a fuller part of ourselves wants to emerge. Sometimes the transition is quiet, organic, and plays out over time. Sometimes it’s abrupt and disorienting. We’re left feeling alone, outing open water, with too way to steer. We feel stuck.
Working together, using dreams, imagery, and mindfulness, I will help you listen to the deep, vast, natural intelligence that lies within, and to trust what it has to say. As you listen, another part of you will begin to emerge — a part less governed by external criteria. Exploring this inner intelligence, we’ll discover what you’re drawn to and what makes you feel alive.